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Printing promotional POS materials for Tulip


    POS materials from floor to ceiling

    For Tulip, we print everything from floor stickers and ellipses to shelf talkers, signs and garlands. With point-of-sale (POS) materials targeted to the individual store or chain of stores, we ensure that customers are drawn to the Tulip brand and its products.

    All studies show that "exposure in the buying situation" leads to increased sales and more impulse purchases. There is already a lot of competition for customers' attention the second they enter the store. 

    This is where eye-catching and attractive POS materials help capture attention and focus - which converts into measurably increased sales at the checkout.

    True to Tulip's design and brand

    Whatever type of POS materials Tulip wants, we can print, print and produce it for them. That way, we convert their design into the final physical products - all of which are sharp and true to the brand.

    We produce even the largest displays, signs, ellipses etc. in a quality that is stable, strong and easy to handle.

    Our POS materials are lightweight - easy to fold, transport, store in stock, set up in store and take down again.

    We are proud to help Tulip attract attention and sales through carefully thought-out and well-produced POS materials.

    Do you have a similar case?

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    Jesper Thyregod Rasmussen
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