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Idea, layout and production of effective POS materials for Fazer Denmark


    "Dumle, School Chalk, Turkish Pepper and all the other well-known classics"

    When a brand like Fazer Denmark wants to maintain and expand awareness of their products - and boost sales - POS is an obvious choice.

    We help them with that.

    With well-designed POS materials, customers are exposed to the products in the actual buying situation in the store. Studies show that this measurably stimulates impulse purchases.

    Our advertising agency , Bureauet, has developed and laid out eye-catching and effective POS campaigns for Fazer Denmark.

    At Johnsen, we have produced the physical materials such as ellipses, dumpers, shelf turners and pallet wraps. Everything is printed in a quality and with a level of detail that presents the Fazer brand optimally, recognizable and razor-sharp in the store.

    Easy to pack, transport, set up and stock

    At the same time, all the POS materials in the Fazer campaign are easy to pack, transport, set up and stock. Fazer Denmark gets maximum flexibility in relation to the physical dimensions of individual stores. Regardless of size and layout, the POS material always matches.

    The result

    The result is a unified brand universe - from the creative, eye-catching design to the tailor-made, pre-printed materials - that creates eye-catchers, interest and increased sales of Fazer Denmark products.

    Do you have a similar case?

    We are happy to help you on your way. Call or write right here:

    Jesper Thyregod Rasmussen
    Fill out the form and we'll get back to you quickly