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Label the content


Let customers know what your products are made of with labels that are tailored to each item. It's all about sales and branding - including your choice of labels, tags and stickers.

For example, foods that contain more than one ingredient must have a list of ingredients. It makes sense to combine the necessary with the aesthetic, so that the ingredients as well as the manufacturer, retailer etc. present themselves optimally to customers.

We can supply labels for all types of products in any size and color. Whether it's die-cut stickers on rolls, labels with QR codes on sheets, waterproof labels, address labels or labels for food packaging - we can deliver.

If you have special needs, such as customer segments or markets that require something special, we will of course create labels to match.

Choose between:
What is Nordic Swan Ecolabel material?

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is on the entire product journey and ensures environmentally friendly paper and inks, recycling of printed matter and minimization of waste and waste, energy savings and renewable energy, and consideration for the chemical working environment.

What is FSC certified material?

FSC certification ensures that the paper comes from responsibly managed forests. FSC also guarantees that wildlife is protected and that the people working in the forests are guaranteed training, safety equipment and a decent wage.

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Get in touch about labels

Jesper Thyregod Rasmussen
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