Human rights policy
Supplier and subcontractor selection guidelines ensure that suppliers and subcontractors are selected with consideration for their environmental and labor conditions. Our suppliers and subcontractors are expected to set the same requirements throughout their supply chain so that they are also committed to protecting the environment and labor conditions. We want to be one of Denmark's most environmentally friendly and sustainable printing companies and be seen as an environmentally conscious and respected company and business partner.
To maintain this profile, we will continuously contribute to sustainable development by preventing pollution, reducing waste and energy consumption, and continuously improving environmental conditions in our communities and throughout the company. We work to protect the environment. We ensure this by maintaining and developing the ISO 14001 environmental management system. Every day, employees in the company actively contribute to an environmental management system so that we act in accordance with the company's environmental policy.
As a minimum, we comply with legal and industry requirements, but to stay ahead of the curve, social responsibility and CSR are important to us. We think all the way around because we always want to do things fairly and properly. We do this, among other things, by conducting responsible supplier management and involving our employees in a way that creates an inclusive and safe working environment.
A sustainable holistic approach thus contributes to strengthening and profiling the company for the benefit of the board, management, employees, customers, suppliers and the surrounding community.