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Little Scout Week - an annual nationwide campaign

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    "WE VALUE NATURE MORE as adults when we've been out in it as children."

    So says Hilde Breum, Organizational Consultant from the Green Girl Scouts. And she elaborates:

    "That's why, for the past four years, we have conducted The Little Scout Week in week 16 for thousands of kindergarten classes in Denmark; with Martin Hougaard from Johnsen as a helpful - and kind - partner."

    But what is the little scout really? 

    In short, during Little Scout Week, teachers and kindergarten students head out into nature's classroom from Monday to Friday in week 16.

    Here they play, learn and experiment to gain knowledge about animals and plants in the local nature - among other things. Using various materials that we at Johnsen have helped print and print

    Booklets & stickers

    60,000 student booklets with stickers - 12,500 of which will be sent out for this year's Little Scout Week. To save money in the overall budget, we're storing the rest of the booklets - until they need to be sent out in future years.

    Teacher booklets

    Teacher booklets that the teacher can use in the classroom. Simple, thorough and good.

    Activity canvases

    Special racing cloths that kids can lay on the ground for fun and educational insect races. And identification cloths with large illustrations of, for example, scorpions and chiggers.

    Pack and ship it all away

    Creating a positive and effective learning experience for children requires teaching materials and necessary aids to be accessible and easy for teachers to handle.

    That's why we take care of collecting, packing and distributing the materials - including backpacks, scarves, bracelets, etc. for the children, so everything is practical, clear and easy to handle for the individual class teacher around the country.

    Play the video and see how we help The Little Scout Week reach their annual campaign from start to finish. 

    "It's all carefully adapted to lessons and courses in preschool classes. TrygFonden supports the project, which means that schools can participate for free. We have made it easy for both teachers and school leaders to register the classes and use the materials. Without challenging budgets or planning.

    And in practice, teachers can simply flip open and follow the program and activity suggestions in the teacher booklet for each day."

    A sympathetic and important campaign we are happy to support

    At Johnsen, we are both happy and grateful to be able to contribute our part to The Little Scout Week. Naturally, we always strive to deliver a 110 percent effort to our customers and partners - regardless of industry and business.

    But having said that, we also admit that the Green Girl Scouts' annual nationwide campaign - where thousands of preschoolers get to experience nature and make new friends - is particularly heartwarming:

    It's simply a nice and important event to support, we think.

    So a big thank you to the Green Girl Scouts - for using us for design, production, sparring and distribution.

    Play the video and see how we help The Little Scout Week reach their annual campaign from start to finish.

    Do you have a similar case?

    We are happy to help you on your way. Call or write right here:

    Martin Hougaard
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